02 August 2009

after prayer

He who through faith is righteous shall live (Romans 1:17). For a Christian, faith ought to be the light that illuminates not only the times of prayer, but the whole of life.

During prayer it is not difficult to say "I believe in God the Father almighty"; but a few minutes afterwards, when faced with some difficult tasks, a tiresome person, or some circumstance that is painful or upsets our own plans, we easily forget that all this has been arranged by God for our sanctification; that God is our Father and is more concerned about the welfare of each of us than we are ourselves, even though we are the interested parties; that God is all-powerful and can help us in every difficulty.

If we lose sight of the light of faith, we shall get lost in merely human considerations and protests, or in discouragement, like that of people who have no faith. We believe in God the Father almighty, but we do not believe strongly enough to recognize his will or at least his permission in every event, nor do we turn to him in every circumstance.

Until the light of faith so penetrates us that it makes us see all things in relation to God and as dependent on him, it cannot be said that faith enlightens our entire life.

Divine Intimacy
Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, OCD

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